New SideQuest: Make a Dollar

New SideQuest: Make a Dollar

To be more specific. A creative Dollar

Yesterday I was reading a post online about how someone finally made $9 dollars from a set of videos they’d been working on over the course of six months and just how proud they were of it, even though it was a small amount.

Perhaps a bit of hyperbole, but when I was doing stand-up comedy I remember listening to a quote by Jimmy Carr, where he mentioned that when he was eventually given a tenner for one his performances it suddenly made what he was doing and pursuing become real.

On the grand scale of things $10 was small, but it was a humongous signifier of progress. Progress in an area where a vast majority of people never make any money at all.

Speaking from experience, as a comic, depending on the trajectory of your career you could go years without ever receiving any money at all. Your career can very easily end with you on a net-negative. 

So I can understand the sense of pride you might get after struggling for a long time and finally seeing tangible progress. Progress you could buy a Kit-Kat with. The best kind of progress. 

Which circles back to my reason for jotting these words down. 

I wanna make a dollar. Though specifically, I want to make a dollar from something I’ve created.

I don’t think I’ve ever progressed enough in a thing for it to have value beyond my immediate circle of friends and family. 

As evidenced by the progress over the past year, it’s gonna be quite tough for me to get there. 

There are so many skills and muscles I’ve never thought about training, but I feel if I have a small simple goal that feels attainable then the length of time I spend attempting to get there may feel a bit lighter. 

Could take a week, could take a decade. It doesn’t really matter. Heck, it could never happen. This is a aide quest after all. I don’t need to complete it before the game ends. 

But that’s all. From now, until whenever, we’re gonna try to see if we can make a dollar. 
